If request("paginanr") = "" Then intRecordPagina = 1 Else intRecordPagina = CInt(Request.QueryString("paginanr"))
If Request("mode") = "cat" Then
Set rsObjRecordset = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM FotoCategorie ORDER BY CategorieID DESC;"
rsObjRecordset.Open strSQL, AdoCon
If rsobjRecordset.EOF Then
Response.WRite "Er zijn geen items gevonden!"
Do WHILE NOT rsObjRecordset.EOF
" target="mainFrame"><% = rsObjRecordset("categorienaam") %> |
End If
End If
If Request("categorieId") <> "" Then
Set rsObjRecordset = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM FotoAlbum a, FotoCategorie b " & _
"WHERE b.CategorieId = " & request("categorieId") & " " & _
"AND a.CategorieId = b.CategorieId;"
rsObjRecordset.LockType = 2
rsObjRecordset.CursorType = 3
rsObjRecordset.Open strSQL, AdoCon
rsObjRecordset.PageSize = 8
If NOT rsObjRecordset.EOF Then rsObjRecordset.AbsolutePage = intRecordPagina
intTotItems = rsObjRecordset.RecordCount
intTotPaginas = rsObjRecordset.PageCount
If NOT rsobjRecordset.EOF Then
strnaam = rsobjRecordset("categorienaam")
End IF
For intRecordTeller = 1 to 8
If rsobjRecordset.EOF Then Exit For
strBestandsNaam = rsobjRecordset("BestandsNaam")
strBestandsUrl = rsobjRecordset("BestandsUrl")
<% = strBestandsNaam %> |
rsTeller = rsTeller + 1
If rsTeller = 3 Then
Response.Write "
rsTeller = 0
End If
If intRecordPagina > 1 or NOT rsobjRecordset.EOF Then
Response.Write " pagina: "
End If
If intRecordPagina > 1 Then
Response.Write vbCrLf & "<< Vorige "
End If
If intRecordPagina > 1 or NOT rsobjRecordset.EOF Then
For intLink = 1 to intTotpaginas
If intLink > 15 Then
If intTotaalpaginas = intRecordPagina Then Response.Write(" ..." & intTotaalpaginas) Else Response.Write(" ..." & intTotpaginas & "")
Exit For
If intLink = intRecordPagina Then Response.Write(" " & intLink) Else Response.Write(" " & intLink & "")
End If
End If
If NOT rsobjRecordset.EOF then
Response.Write vbCrLf & "Volgende >>"
End If
End IF